Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Late nite with me, myself and I....

Hmmm.. I just realize that, as the nite getting late, i am more creative and more "singled-out" by myself.. I am here, with all the things surrounded me, but still I feel that I am all alone.. Alone with me myself and I, entertaining myself with my boredom.. Is it a boredom or something is eating me inside out? Is this what or how you would feel when approaching 30?

Just finished watching a TV series called "Brother and Sisters" and there are some quotes and something I learn from that series.. The first quote is "You don't love the person for being perfect, you love them of what they are".. Strong, straight forward statement... I could not agree more to the statement above. "You won't be faithful until you think you should"..Come on all the GUYS.. Wouldn't you agree to it ? I could raise my feet to show my support to that statement...

Live life to the fullest is what i think i would do now.. but how do i live it to the fullest? How FULL will it be? Half Empty or Half Full? How do we judge or measure that?

Kinda pissed off with something tht happened today.. I thought there were some understanding between people and basic respect to the other human being but i guess i was wrong.. or was I too sensitive? Not being there does not means that i should be disrespected.. should i suck it up or express it out? I think what i would say is that, at the end of the day, the only person or only party that we could really trust and rely on, is YOUR FAMILY... I forgot where i found this line but "TRUST NO ONE" is kinda true to my situation now..

Nuff said...


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